I don't know if this is a C-level position, but it definitely fits the type of role we've been talking about as a "Social Media Czar" at RTCRM. Truth is someone needs to be minding the conversation as a whole and helping companies make use of all the information.
I actually really love the idea of a CLO (Chief Listening Officer). I think that person then needs to carefully integrate what they learn with the rest of your performance metrics.
I would think a CLO would need to be part anthropologist, part data geek, and part super smart marketing strategist.
What do you think? Is this a role that should be internal or would you consider it as an agency role?
On first thought, I think it would be best to have this position held internally as part of the PR and Business Development team. Depending on the size and volume conversation surrounding the company, I think this role and its responsibilities would (for most companies) become a part of an already existing job. The question is where does this fit in to a companies PR strategy and what does it replace or supersede?