Friday, August 27, 2010

The Worst Branded Email I've Received In A Long Time

I'm sure we all get a fair amount of daily, weekly, monthly emails from various publications, brands, new organizations, etc. These emails may not be the prettiest, but for the most past, they get their jobs done: you see them in your inbox, you open them, read them, and perhaps even click-thru some of the links or forward the content to a friend.

However, I recently received a promotional email from Papa John's, and yes, I order from PJ's and I like it, that I found particularly horrible as both an interactive marketer and pizza eater.

  1. Text of the entire email is crammed into the header of the email. Really? Is that necessary? Next time send a multipart MIME message that could render in either html or text depending on the email platform.
  2. Make sure the text you are sending renders correctly. There's nothing worse and embarrassing then having your brand name show up as "Papa John̢۪S"
  3. Just because this is a promotional email doesn't mean it shouldn't look good. Use the space you have to clearly communicate your call to action, and definitely don't hide your CTA below the fold.

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