Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spotlighting NASA

A recent study on social media usage among public sector organizations awarded NASA top honors. Prompted by this, I took a look at the organization's web site and was instantly converted. Not only does NASA utilize the geo-location trend by offering its users virtual badges, moon rocks, and space shuttles for checking into museums and visitor centers, but the site also makes use of simulations and 3D visualizations technology in very cool ways.

Other features:
-As of 2010, astronauts can live Tweet from space and check in on Foursquare, unlocking a special "space explorer" badge.
-NASA also invites a few Twitter followers people to get a "behind the scenes" look at the remaining shuttle launches, and has the NASA Buzzroom, a social media conversation aggregator to let others follow the action.
-Interactive games include a 3D visualization of a "station spacewalk" and a virtual game that lets you create your own planet.

Definitely worth a look.

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