I don’t know about you, but I've always been interested in how much of business is about formulas. Knowing which transportation method
to use during different points in the supply chain can save (literally) a
truckload. Knowing the Present Value formula in finance can inform an investor
if buying stock will provide a high return. And understanding Six Sigma can
optimize any business operation. The same goes for marketing – if you know
where to look! No, I’m not talking about ROI or Customer Acquisition costs
(although those are important formulas too); I’m talking simple proven tricks
to maximize viewers and engagement on social media. Below are a few “formulas”
to maximize your marketing returns on social media and some of my favorite
places to get more tricks!
· Visuals work:
Photo or Video posts are the most important
posts for a company to use – Posts containing photos get 50% more likes than
those that don’t include photos.
Timing matters:
Saturday and Sunday have 17% more engagement
than weekdays, and Tweets with #hashtags receive twice the number of engagement
than those without
The end of the week or the weekend are the best
times to post on facebook
Many users will be on Twitter during their
commute time, or between 7 and 9 am!
The most e-mails are opened between 2 and 5 pm,
likely when people are getting off work.
70% of viewers read blogs in the morning, and
Mondays are the highest traffic days for blogs
Ask for a RT:
A tweets retweet rate increases by 12X when the
tweet specifically asks viewers to RT or “Retweet”
For more fun stats, here are a few suggested
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