Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Really CNN? Is this news?

CNN's "latest news" today has a full length article about Google's animated logo... I actually read the whole thing thinking I would find some rationale as to why this was leading news. A new technology perhaps? A big business move? Nope... nothing. I get that Google is a big deal. I get that Facebook makes changes everyday and millions of people use it. But it's really not news and the amount of effort CNN puts behind reporting on this "category" is a little perplexing. Even if it were "news", I've already learned the news myself...Google and Facebook aren't exactly behind closed doors...

Yes, social networking trends and digital usage are important to understand. Anthropological. Cultural. Indicative, yes- all those things. But there's probably something more interesting to research and report than on Google's logo. Sometimes I wonder if the digital news forum has diluted the quality of material; forced to report on NEWS!!! every five minutes can be difficult I'm sure. It just seems that news about Google's logo, should at least resolve with rationale, not with speculation. booo...

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