Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The ASPCA kicks butt!

Here at RTC we are obsessive.animal.lovers. We love DailyPuppy, miniature horses and we even love our little office mouse, Mr Furrypants. However, we have a job to do as well, and sometimes cute animals just have to wait until we are done properly strategerizing and thinking about digital innovation.

That is until we started following the ASPCA. We LOVE them! One, they too are obsessive.animal.lovers, but two, their 360 degree digital presence is just up our alley. From their Facebook fanpage to their Youtube Channel to their streamlined enewsletters, the ASPCA presents a sound and dedicated approach to the digital medium.

We were so impressed with them that we highlighted them in our monthly Perspectives.
Well done ASPCA! Mr. Furrypants thanks you!


  1. Wow. Mr. Furrypants gets a mention, but my bunnies do not. I see. We clearly have not been spending enough time together lately! :)

  2. Given the number of sightings, I think it might be Messieurs Furrypants
