Wednesday, March 30, 2011, Week 1 - A Little Bit of Joy

First of all, thanks to the ladies of the Digital Integration and Innovation Team for allowing me to write on their blog. I am truly humbled to be in such company.

For the next two months as part of the lead-in to our June issue of Perspectives, I'll report on my experience participating in the social network "Feats", as I fondly refer to it, is yet another online social networking platform that has most of the normal bells and whistles. You can login using your Facebook information, set up a profile, invite others to join you and generally poke around in other people's stuff. But the whole purpose of Feats is to track, record and reward you for doing good. You earn points for accomplishing things ranging from the mundane like eating vegetables and taking the stairs to epic wins such as climbing mountains and planning your career. You are scored accordingly and earn badges once you've accrued enough points. It is also one of the best ego boosts this side of a shrink's door.

So I dived in last week. I quickly setup a profile and began logging my accomplishments. Two points for packing a lunch and getting up early, a few more for running on the treadmill, etc. I downloaded a coupon for a local gourmet store and called it a day. Later, actually at about 8:30 that night, I got an email. Someone gave me props for my morning run. I was touched that another person had reached out to give me a virtual pat-on-the back. Sure, the extra two points I received were nice, but really, I just savored the feeling.

Daily Feats Tally

Points earned: 233

Feats Done: 22

Props received: 8

Props given: 11

Badges: 1

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